Saturday, January 13, 2018

Architectural Word of the Day; 241 - 250


The east end of an abbey or cathedral distinguished by radiating chapels protruding from the apse.



An early Gothic adaptation for rose windows, plate tracery gives the appearance of perforations through a thin stone slab in an otherwise solid wall.

The West front of Chartres Cathedral provides an amazing example, exceeding 12 metres across.


The horizontal projection of a voussoir that rests upon an adjacent stone.


A Chinese tradition of timber framing, consisting of a complex system of interlocking, corbeled joined bracketing allowing the rafters and eaves to be cantilevered well beyond the supporting columns.


Embellishment with ornament, well...just because.


A narrow pointed arch typically utilized for open, blind or glazed windows. The lancet can be arranged in an infinite possibility of widths that facilitates a rhythmic composition.


The linear pattern of two or more interlacing bands that create a series of circular openings. A prominent feature of COSMATESQUE work, an intricate style of marble, glass and stone inlay dominated by the Cosmati family of 12th and 13th century Italy.

Contributed by Patrick Webb

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