Traditional French plasters have been used extensively as coatings for EU straw bale construction. The article below is based on the presentation “Plaster - An Ecological Material for Restoration and Construction” delivered by Frédéric Charpentier, consulting architect for Maisons Paysannes de France at the 2010 Bâtir Ecologique (Ecological Building) conference in Paris.
Currently, a number
of coatings are utilized for straw bale construction: cob and other clay or
earth based coatings, lime stuccos of varying degrees of hydraulicity as well
as traditional or Portland cement. The primary need of an exterior coating is
to protect the insulating straw substrate against damage by water and fire. All
mineral based coatings properly applied can achieve this fundamental purpose.
Additionally, an ideal coating would possess the following properties:
- high breathability
- porosity
- fire resistance in addition to incombustibility
- low embodied energy
- ease of installation
- a beautiful aesthetic
Traditional French
plasters such as Stuc Pierre and Terre de Séléné exhibit the above characteristics. The importance of
breathability, the capacity of a coating to transmit water vapor, is widely
known for monolithic substrate construction. Often less understood are the
benefits of a porous coating. To be sure, guidelines are to be followed to
prevent water migration due to capillary action; however, the porosity of
gypsum allows for the evacuation of condensation or water penetration caused by
structural cracks or extensive inundation.
As with all mineral
based coatings, gypsum is a non-combustible material. However gypsum plaster,
technically known as calcium sulfate hemi-hydrate when combined with water,
returns to gypsum or calcium sulfate dihydrate (CaSO4·2H2O)
chemically combining calcium sulfate with two water molecules. When exposed to
fire, a wall coated with gypsum plaster will release water vapor which retards
the spread of fire and maintains the temperature in the adjoining room less
than 350°F thus inhibiting the spread of fire via spontaneous combustion and
often starving the fire through lack of oxygen. In this way gypsum plaster is
not just incombustible but actively functions as a fire retardant.
Another property of gypsum plaster is that it is
lightweight and self binding. Average weights of coatings are between
5 to 6 lb per ft² at 1 inch thickness. As added water is bound chemically in the
set there is no shrinkage of the coating and no need for sanded aggregates to
bind the material. For this reason gypsum plaster can be applied as thick as 1
½” in a single coat. The set is reached in a few hours. As a result, plaster
can be applied so long as there is not a frost the same day. Plaster is first
applied as a scratch coat directly over straw bale or lathe to a thickness
necessary to fill in the inconsistencies of the substrate. The rapidity of set
also permits a subsequent coat to be applied the following day. Generally this
can be applied at less than 1” thickness to achieve a planar surface. In Europe,
wool wood sheathing such as Fibralith is often utilized to supplement
insulating performance and eliminate the need for a scratch coat. This relative
ease of application is an attractive quality for both professionals and DIY’s.
Not to be forgotten is a most important aspect of
sustainability; beauty. The surface of the plaster can be finished with
scraped, sanded, washed or even ashlar cut techniques so as to appear like
limestone block. Running and casting versions can be utilized for running
cornices, adding quoins and decorative ornamentation. Often shells, chaulk,
limestone, shale and straw are added in the finish coat for strictly aesthetic effect.
French plaster is a
proven coating technology that has been utilized for centuries in hundreds of
thousands of buildings in Paris, Normandy, Toulouse and throughout Europe.
The Vieujot family
has maintained continual manufacturer of gypsum plaster of Paris since 1880. In
1996 Plâtres Vieujot established Plâ to better serve the market for
decorative, ecological and restoration coatings of gypsum, clay, hydraulic and aérienne
Contributed by Patrick Webb
US Technical Consultant
Plâtres Vieujot